Private Tuition

Private language

tuition and one-to-one language training based in Hatfield

You learnt your first language very successfully without course books, grammar worksheets or learning by heart. You did this by listening intently, babbling to play with the sounds, for months before you could say what anyone apart from your doting parents could understand.

Private language classes in Hatfield, Hertfordshire

It shouldn't take so long to learn your second language. With our unique teaching style you will use your adult skills to speed up this process. The standard way of learning a foreign language forces us to do too many things at once. This creates overload and so we tend to guess, panic and perform badly.

Whatever your choice of new language, whatever your purpose, for work, for pleasure, for special interest holidays, for voluntary service overseas, for toasting the bride as she marries into a 'foreign' family, the FOCUS approach will turn your learning into a fascinating and enjoyable experience.

We can offer you half-day or full-day intensive training or just one or two hours a week, to a schedule that suits your other commitments.

We will introduce you to the FOCUS technique and FOCUS activities so you can develop your skills and knowledge on material of your choice, in your own time.

We also offer corporate tuition across Hertfordshire.
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Use the APPLE mnemonic to focus on what's important for you:

You will want to plan ahead for situations when you will need your new language, your next trip, telephone call or meeting. We help you gather the background information and terminology you will need. We help you imagine the scenario, plan your script in your own language and in the new language, and then rehearse how the conversations might progress. We help you use every situation, every work or social interaction to make new friends and allies. We help you cope before you are competent. Think ahead, think APPLE:

  • Anticipate
  • Prepare
  • Practice
  • Look and listen
  • Enjoy yourself
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We invite you to use your time with us for troubleshooting sessions, to help you discover what activities help you learn best and keep you absorbed. Is it 'reading aloud' to help you develop fluency and performance style? Is it singing or collecting tongue twisters? Is it 'thinking aloud' to discover what it is you don’t know yet? Is it 'auto-dictation' to discover what you hadn’t noticed about how the language works?
Looking for private language tuition in Hatfield, Hertfordshire? Get in touch with Mind Management today.
Call us now on 01707 264 163

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